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Water Main Break on Meadowview in Sagamore Hills

We had a water main break early this morning on Meadowview in Sagamore Hills near the top of the hill about equal distant from Brandywine and Boyden Roads. Cleveland is on scene and has isolated the water main and turned down the pressure so that it's just running in the ditch and people have some water in that area. A crew is expected to make the repair starting this morning. Remember this usually affects people in Northfield Ctr. too because they start to see dirty water because so much water has run through the mains from the break. In my experience this is especially true in the Fairhaven neighborhood. Expect to receive a few calls about “dirty water.” The water is safe, but a lot of water has been released stirring up any sediment in the mains and often adding air into the water. 

If a resident has dirty water suggest the following: Run water in the lowest spot in your house (basement) for 15 minutes at full from sink. Shut off water and do not use any water for one hour. This usually clears the water. If it does not work repeat the process. Secondly people usually see what they will say is dirty water when they drink water as their kitchen sink. Tell them the water is safe. Leave the full glass of water alone for 15 minutes and much of that “cloudiness” will come out. It is usually just air that is causing it to look cloudy.

The Meadowview area where the break occurred has cones around it and there are cones at the end of Meadowview where it meets Brandywine and Boyden to alert drivers. Cleveland is also at the top of the hill until the repair crew arrives with flashing lights. The road is passible but try to avoid the area. The Meadowview residents will likely lose water today for an hour or two when the repair is made. No one else should lose water. It will be safe when it is restored as it will be flushed.